Spring School–The Home Stretch!

I guess I’ve been neglecting my blog outrageously this year . . . just like usual <sigh>.  Maybe someday all my to-do list will fit into the time I have in a day, but alas, it is not yet the case yet and my writing and sharing has suffered.  Regardless, since it’s been FOREVER – I have some pictures to share of some of our spring school activities – just in case anyone’s still with me! 

See how they’ve grown!

May2012 044  May2012 047

May2012 006May2012 013

May2012 014May2012 015

May2012 347

We’re just starting Botany as we start our garden this year so we’ll be doing a little bit of studying this summer as we attempt to make use of our green thumbs.

May2012 025     May2012 020

Here is our homemade “light hut” to grow our flowers and vegetable seeds big enough to survive outside.

May2012 029

We also have a robins nest in one of our trees, we’re hoping to watch the babies hatch and grow.  So exciting!

May2012 089


   Now we are coming to the end of May and we are finding the end of our textbooks.  This is the 2nd to last week of our school schedule and then we fully move into our summer learning activities –botany,  the garden, bugs, fun summer reading and anything involving WATER!  Hopefully I can post again before that’s all over!