Careful . . . Careful . . . . JERONIMOE!

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Mayc2012-ParkPlay 191
Mayc2012-ParkPlay 192
Mayc2012-ParkPlay 190
Mayc2012-ParkPlay 193
“Oh wait!  Did they say Jump NOW?!”

Little Posers

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Mayc2012-ParkPlay 173Mayc2012-ParkPlay 214
Mayc2012-ParkPlay 163Mayc2012-ParkPlay 153

Homeschool Park Outing

They are boys, therefore they climb . . .always.
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This one is always collecting creatures wherever she goes.
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Yep, this one’s always talking – whether someone is listening or not!  Smile
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Little Tape Recorders


Today Max said to me “Mom, Mom!  Don’t I look like a superhero!?” As he was sitting on the floor in his hat and cape reading his duck book to Bullseye.  It was extra funny because that was a line I had in a recent skit at church.  I got to play a naughty little kid around Max’s age.  The thing is, Max only saw one of our rehearsals once!  I am pretty surprised he pulled almost the exact line out a couple weeks later when he was dressed up like I was. 

BEWARE, they really ARE recording your every move!

Just for Fun


Washin Dishes

If he can “do washin dishes”, it’s a good day!  This kid can’t get enough water time.

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The Many Faces of Max

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May2012 256May2012 259
May2012 264May2012 267

Nursery Fieldtrip

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We took a fieldtrip with a couple other homeschool families to a local nursery.  A great time was had by all.

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The cactus statue seemed to catch the attention of several students.

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Finishing up the week’s botany homework with more interesting plants than they can find around home.  They were all so enamored with all the plants!  They were trying to identify monocots and dicots and find a good flower for their dissecting exercise. I underestimated the exuberance!  It was a nice surprise, but made keeping up difficult, with all five going in different directions calling out “Wow, LOOK MOM!”  Very cute.
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It was a pretty hot day – 87 or so, but everyone was in great spirits.  Hot weather makes Mom happy too – must be those NE roots!

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Rest stop.

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Mikaela found a baby to play with and she was happy.  Two boys were really enjoying the camera on the trip (unusual!) – “look at this - take another one, Mom, PLE-E-EASE”.

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No idea why, but Mikah and Max just loved this buried duck.  Maybe the heat was starting to get to them more than I realized!  HA!
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We left the nursery to a chorus of “Can we come back real soon, can we, can we!?”  Hands on learning is so fun!