Careful . . . Careful . . . . JERONIMOE!

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“Oh wait!  Did they say Jump NOW?!”

Little Posers

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Homeschool Park Outing

They are boys, therefore they climb . . .always.
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This one is always collecting creatures wherever she goes.
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Yep, this one’s always talking – whether someone is listening or not!  Smile
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Little Tape Recorders


Today Max said to me “Mom, Mom!  Don’t I look like a superhero!?” As he was sitting on the floor in his hat and cape reading his duck book to Bullseye.  It was extra funny because that was a line I had in a recent skit at church.  I got to play a naughty little kid around Max’s age.  The thing is, Max only saw one of our rehearsals once!  I am pretty surprised he pulled almost the exact line out a couple weeks later when he was dressed up like I was. 

BEWARE, they really ARE recording your every move!

Just for Fun