We have some animal trouble. Namely, our trouble is that Mikenzy is quite fond of the strangest animal friends. We have a rooster named RR – that’s short for Runaway Rooster. When Lexie first brought him he promptly ran away and wasn’t seen for about a week. Somehow he managed to survive and return. We thought that was great since the girls were very worried about him. We also thought HE was a SHE and therefore good for something. A couple months later we heard a repeated noise in the barn that could best be described as a kind of death moan. RR was learning to crow which was bad in several ways #1 he wouldn’t be giving us any eggs #2 we were going to have to listen to him and #3 he’d eventually start ruling the roost and it would no longer be safe to exit our home without some type of weapon during daylight hours. ERGH.
Well, Kenzy had a solution. She was going to tame little RR so he wouldn’t later get aggressive. She put him through a full regimen of chicken obedience classes. Here’s a picture on one of their first days of classes. The “I hold you and you act like you like it” lesson.
Yep, that’s a chicken.
Here Kenzy is bonding with RR in his own element and showing him he should humble himself a bit since he’s clearly an inferior fowl species and he cannot fly as the cuter, nicer birds can. This tactic didn’t work.
Kenzy and RR hanging out together – quality time.
Kenzy’s tactics did have some effect. RR is less aggressive than our former rooster “The Big Black Turd”. RR is now an active participant in the kids’ weakly exercise routine as his sneak attack is minor but his cross-country running attack is rather swift. When you witness our kids running faster than a streak of lightning across the yard – you can bet that RR is in hot pursuit. The kids may even set some speed records for cross-yard running.
Meanwhile, Kenzy has moved on to bonding with slimier but more docile pets.
HEY, I just realized that frog picture is IN MY HOUSE. I gotta go have a little talk. Catch you later!