Do What Works
Whispering doesn’t work with our dog, but a good, in-your-face, motivational speech does and Kaela knows just how to deliver! "No more sleeping on the good couch. No more stealing our stuff! When you’re asked to go get the ball, YOU GET THAT BALL! You hear me!? Know your place! Got it DOG? GOOD!!”
Group Art Project
by Mikaela
We are making fingerprint monkeys! We use markers or ink pads
“Gross! Markers taste really bad.”
“Hmmmm, what color should I make my monkey. Green, blue or orange?”
“Ok, I am planning on coloring and not snacking.”
Mikenzy tried to make a snow flake with sparkles
but it ended up silver.
Sometimes we do art in a group and other times we do it by our selves. We like to do beads. Mikenzy and I love to make stuff like bead men and Christmas ornaments .
The thing we like doing most in our house is paint, ether finger or paintbrush paint, Max likes to paint his glasses. What a joy it is to clean dry paint from glasses.
The thing the boys LOVE doing when we cannot do a messy project is make paper airplanes, when they are done there are ten pieces of paper and only one airplane. Some times we get our ideas out of an art project book we have and that book has really fun and interesting ideas in it.