Mikalister TO THE RESCUE!

It's cricket season. . . . the things are everywhere . . .
in the basement . . .
on the sidewalk . . .
in the yard . . .
in the dogfood bag (my secon least favorite place to find them!)
And I'm allergic to crickets . . . they cause me fits of dancing and screaming!

Luckily Mikalister is NOT allergic.
So anytime I hear a little chirping in my house, I call and he comes running to the rescue.

He takes them outside and plays with them for a while and then lets them go.  I give him a big suggle and thank him from keeping the crickets away from Mommy. . . . and feel little crawly legs on my arm around his neck . . . then realize one of his captives was lurking under his shirt on the back of his neck!  I have an allergic reaction and then he sets the last one free (that's my LEAST favorite place to find a cricket!)