For These Reasons

This is why we serve as foster parents...

This is why we keep going when the job seems so thankless
and the nights so sleepless . . .

Because this stuff is real, these kids are real and they have names . . . .

I don't know any of these kids personally, but I know others just like them. Once you know one of these kids and how they suffer you can't sit back and continue to do nothing. The hurt is too great to do nothing. Get out there and help, do something, get involved. There's lots of ways to do something.
Unfortunately doing nothing is a lot easier . .

This is why we do what we do. This is why our family takes up so much room at the table. This is why we sometimes live in complete chaos. Because hurting children matter more than peace and quiet and simple days.
For the love of hurting children.
If these pictures disturbe you - good they should.
Do something about it.
Help STOP Child Abuse and Neglect


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Seattle Sites

While in Seattle on our Family Vacation we saw lots of Seattle sites - here's a couple to share.

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Garage Sale Success!

A couple weeks ago - we had a garage sale - it was a great success! We got rid of many items we don't really need and the kids had great fun. The girls sold home-made baked goods and the boys dressed up in for-sale items. Our friend Kari helped us and a good time was had by all!
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